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Manage the backoffice (TYPO3)

Below we will explain to you how to manage the TYPO3 backoffice. By using the index on the left of this web site, you can directly navigate to the desired chapter.

Log in into the backoffice of TYPO3

The login box of the TYPO3 backoffice

To log in into the TYPO3 backoffice of your Multishop, please enter the /typo3 URL of your domain, for example http://www.yourdomainname.extension/typo3. In here change www.yourdomainname.extension to your own domainname. for example

Once you entered the correct URL, you will see the option to log in. Fill in the username and password you recieved and click on the login button.

Create a new page

Creating a new page
Choose a position for the new page
Tab 1: general
Tab 2: access
Tab 3: metadata
Tab 4: appearance
Tab 5: behavior
Tab 6: resources

Once you are logged in into the backoffice, click in the left menu on the page option. In the middle of the screen you will now see the page tree from your web shop. Now click on the create new page icon (see the image on the right) to create a new page for your web shop.

When the create new page icon has been selected, you will see a new page tree on the right side of the screen. In this page tree, you need to select the position of the new page. You can do this by clicking on a (desired) arrow between the existing pages. In our example we are going to create a new page under the home page.

When the position for the new page has been set, the option for the new page will show on the right side of the screen. Those options are devided in six different tabs: general, access, metadata, appearance, behavior and resources.
By default, the tab general is selected. In this tab you will have the following options:

Type: page Type determines whether the page is normal webpage, a shortcut to another webpage, or used in other internal ways. The default value is standard;
Page title: in this field you can give in the name of the page (required);
Alternative Navigation Title: alternative page title for the front. When this field has been filled in, this title will show instead of the page title;
Subtitle: in this field you can give in a subtitle;
Speaking URL path segment
Exclude this page from middle of a page path:
Always exclude this page from a page path (dangerous!):

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the second tab called access. On this tab you can set the following options:

Page: if you check the disable box, the page will be disabled and will not show in the front of your web shop;
In Menu's: if you check the hide box, the page will be hidden in the menu structure of your web shop;
Publish date: in this field you can set a creation date for the page;
Experation date: when you set a date in this field, the page will go offline on the date that has been given in;
Extend to subpages: when you check the enabled box, the above option will also be extended to the subpages;
Usergroup access rights:
Login behavior:

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the third tab called metadata. On this tab you can set the following options:

Abstract: in this field you can enter an abstract of the contents. An abstract is a short description of the page content that might be a little longer than the one in the Description field. Unlike the description, the abstract is not meant for display in search engine result lists, but is instead intended for you own use;
Keywords: in this field you can enter keywords for the page separated by commas. You may also use short phrases if needed. To optimize your page for search engines like Google you should not use more than 3 to 6 keywords. You should also make sure that the keywords are found in the content of the page. Note that search engine extensions for TYPO3 such as Indexed Search can also be configured to make use of the keywords. The keywords can also be used to create a menu of related pages. Create a Content Element of type 'Sitemap' and then choose the menu type Related pages (based on keywords);
Description: in this field you can enter a short description of the page. It will be displayed in the result lists of most search engines;
Author name: in this field you can enter the name of the author;
Author Email: in this field you can enter the email address of the author;
Last update: in this field you can enter the date and time of the most recent update to this page.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the fourth tab called appearance. On this tab you can set the following options:

Front end layout: the layout can change the way a page design appears. This option may not have any impact on the Frontend page design since it depends on whether the Frontend template uses it. Most templates do not use it. Note: changing this optoin may cause your web shop to fail;
Mark as new until: in this field you can enter the date at which this page is no longer considered new. The 'New Until' date of the page has no effect on the display of the webpage. This value is instead for internal use as a reminder of the date when the content of this page should be revised. If the content of the page will become outdated on a certain day, you could set this value to that approximate date;
Backend layout: by using this field you can select a backend layout for this particular page only;
Backend layout (subpages): by using this field you can select a backend layout for this particular page and subpages;
Contains plugin: by using this field you can define the page as containing a Frontend plugin. Note: changing this optoin may cause your web shop to fail;
Show content from page: when you set this field, the content of the chosen page will show instead of the regular content.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the fifth tab called behavior. On this tab you can set the following options:

URL alias: a URL Alias is a unique identification string for a page. You can use this string instead of the ID number to refer to the page;
Link target: this field sets the default Link Target for menu items linking to this page. Can also used to open the page as a popup window;
Use protocol: by changing this field you can decide if the handled protocol is http or https. By default, default is selected;
Cache lifetime: by using this option you can set the Cache Lifetime for the page;
Cache: when this option is selected, it disables server caching of the page.
Hide default translation of page: if set, the page is only available in translated versions and not in the default language. Any attempt to access the page in the default language will result in an error message;
Hide page if no translation for the current page exists: if set, any attempt to access the page in a translation that does not exist will result in an error message. By default, accessing an untranslated page will just show the default language instead;
Use as root page: when this checkbox is selected the page will become the root page of the web shop;
Include in search: when this checkbox is selected the page can be found with the search module;
Editable for admins only: when this checkbox is selected only admins can edit the page;
Stop page tree: when this checkbox is selected it tops backend rendering of the page tree in navigation and lists.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the sixth tab called recources. On this tab you can set the following options:

Media: by using this field you can attach media files related to the page;
Page: a General Record Storage Page is a global page for storing of general database elements (records) of a website. This could be for templates, frontend users, and other records that are not limited to a single page but shared across the whole website;
Page TSConfig: this option shows the TSConfig script (if there is any). Note: changing this script can cause your web shop to fail.

When all the desired values are set on the tabs, click on the save and close icon  to save your changes and go back to the page tree.

Manage a existing page

Manage an existing page

When you want to manage (edit) an existing page (for example you would like to change the meta content), first select the desired page from the page tree. Once the page has been selected, click on the edit page properties icon. When this icon has been selected, you can change all the values that you can find the in chapter create a new page.

Create a new content element

Creating a content element
Tab 1: general
Tab 2: images
Tab 3: appearance
Tab 4: access
Tab 5: extended
Create content
Add another content element

Once you created a page you will need to place content on the page. When you  select the created page from the page tree, click on the create new record icon in the desired column.When the create new record icon has been selected, a new screen will appear in which you can choose the content that you would like to create. In our example we want to create text with an image. To do so, select the text & images option.

When the option text & images has been selecten, the options for the new content will show on the right side of the screen. Those options are devided in five different tabs: general, images, appearance, access and extended.

By default, the tab general is selected. In this tab you will have the following options:

Content element type: as default (in this case) the type has been set on text & images, but by using the dropdown menu, you can switch this to an other element if this is required;
Column: by using the column dropdown you can select in which column the content must be placed. By default, the value is the same as you have chosen before you created the content element;
Language: by using this dropdown you can select the system language of this Content Element. Notice: This will affect the Content Element visibility by limiting it to a certain language;
Header: in this field you can type the header (title) of the content element;
Type: by using this dropdown you can choose a visual design for the header. Current it will always use the default. Note: changing this option may cause incorrect content;
Alignment: by using this dropdown you can select the desired alignment for the content; 
Date: when you fill in a date in the date field, this date will show above the content element;
Link: this option creates a link from the header to a Page ID, email address, or URL. If you insert a Page ID (ex. 51), the link will point to the page with id=51 inside TYPO3. If you insert an email address (ex. [email protected]), the link will point to that email address. If you insert an URL or domain, (ex. or, the link will point to that website; 
Text: in this field (the rich text editor) you can add the text for the content element to display in the front. You can use several options concerning the text, like making text bold, italic, underlined, aligned left etc.;
Rich text editor: by selecting the checkbox you will disable the richt text editor and you can then only use HTML code. In some older browsers (for example Internet Explorer 6) the rich text editor won't work so you must work then with HTML code. If you use an older browser (below Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox 2.5) activate the checkbox.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the second tab called images. On this tab you can set the following options:

Images: by clicking on the browse button, you can locate an image on your computer that you want to show in the content element;
Captions: in this field you can enter captions for the images. For multiple images, enter one caption per line;
Enlarge on click: when you enable this option, the image can be enlarged by clicking on it;
Links: in this field you can enter a link for the image. For multiple images, enter one link per line;
Alternative labels: in this field you can enter an alternative label. For multiple images,  enter one label per line;
Titles: in this field you can enter an image title. For multiple images, enter one title on each line;
Long descriptions URLs: in this field you can enter an long image URL. For multiple images, enter one URL per line.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the third tab called appearance. On this tab you can set the following options:

Content element layout: this option does not work by default for all Content Elements but your website may display Content Elements differently depending on the layout. The File Links Content Element does make use of the Layout field by default:

"Normal" will provide a list of file links with no thumbnail;
"Layout 1" adds a file icon to the left of the link;
"Layout 2" adds a thumbnail for image files and an icon for other files. A black
border is wrapped around the icon.;
"Layout 3" is similar to Layout 2, but without the black border;

Top margin: the top margin (in pixels) inserts whitespace before this content element;
Bottom margin: the top margin (in pixels) inserts whitespace after this content element;
Indentation and frames: by this dropdown menu you can select indention or framing options for the content element;
Image width: in this field you can enter the width (in pixels) for displaying the image in the Frontend of your web shop;
Image Height: in this field you can enter the height (in pixels) for displaying the image in the Frontend of your web shop;
Effect: by using this dropdown you can select an image effect;
Position and alignment: with this option you can select the position and alignment of the images relative to the body text;
Number of columns: with this option you can set the number of columns when the images are displayed in the Frontend of the web shop;
Display as rows: when you deactive this option, the table rows within the image block will be removed;
Caption alignment: by using this option you can align the image captions to the left, center, or right.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the fourth tab called access. On this tab you can set the following options:

Content element: you can check this box if you wish to disable the content element and keep it from being displayed on the web shop;
Show in section menus: when this option is set, the content element will appear in Section Menus;
Append with link to top of page: when this option is set, a small "to top" link will be added below the content element, linking back to the top of the page;
Publish date: In this field you can enter the date when the content element should be published and displayed on the web shop;
Expiration date: In this field you can enter the date when the content element should be removed from the web shop;
Selected items: in this field you can add user groups who may see this page (by using the available items options). When you leave this value blank, everyone can see the content.

When all values have been given in or set you can click on the fith tab called extended. On this tab you can set the following option:

Position in Parent Element: by using this option you can position the parent element. This option is template based and because of that in most cases it will be empty.

When all the desired values are set on the tabs, click on the save and close icon  to save your changes and go back to the page content elements. Once you clicked the icon, you will see the created content element.

You can also create a new content element below (or above) an existing element. To do so, select the create new content element icon within the existing content.

Manage a content element

Manage an existing content element

When you want to manage (edit) an existing content element (for example you would like to change the text, first select the desired page from the page tree. Once the page has been selected, click on the edit content element icon in the desired content element. When this icon has been selected, you can change all the values that you can find the in chapter create a new content element.

Tip: when you don't see the edit icon, mouse over the content element you would like to manage.

Metatag manager

The metatag manager in the left menu
The metatag manager module

By default your web shop contains the metatag manager. With this module makes it very easy to add and manage meta titlesmeta keyword and meta descriptions for each page within the TYPO3 backoffice. We strongly advice you to will in those values for each page because these values will be read in by the search engines, for example Google, Yahoo and Bing.

When you are logged in into the TYPO3 backoffice you will see the metatag manager module on the left side of your screen. When you have selected the metatag manager, click on the root page of your web shop from the page tree (mostly this is called website or the name of your web shop).

Once the root page has been selected, you will see all pages on the right side of the screen. Behind each page you can enter the meta title for that page, the meta keywords (seprated by comma) and the meta description.

Once all values have been entered, click the save button on the top right of the screen to save your changes.

Create the newsletter

The newsletter page inside the page tree

When your web shop was ordered, you might have ordered the newsletter module as well. With this module makes it very easy to create a newsletter. When this module was ordered, you will find the newsletter page in the page tree of your web shop.

Basically the newsletter is the same as a existing or new page. This means that you will need to create content first on this page before you can sent it out to your subscribers. To do so, please select the newsletter page and see the chapter create a new content element or manage a content element.

When all the desired values are set on the tabs, click on the save and close icon  to save your changes and go back to the page content elements. 

Sent the newsletter

The directmail module

Once the newsletter is created you can send the newsletter to your subscribers. When you are logged in into the TYPO3 backoffice you can easily send the newsletter by clicking on the directmail option, on the left side of your screen. Once this option has been selected, click on the newsletter page in the page tree. On the right side of the screen the directmail module will show. In here the following information is visible:

Domainname: this field displays which domain has been defined for the newsletter;
Sender name: this field displays the sender name (the name the reciever sees);
Sender mail: this field displays the e-mailaddress from the sender;
Real recievers: this field will show the total subscribers to your newsletter;
Test recievers: this field will show the test recievers. These persons can recieve the newsletter first, before the other subscribers recieve your newsletter.

Before you send out the newsletter we advice to click on the buton send an testmail now. Once the button is pressed you will recieve the newsletter in your e-mailbox so you can first see it (as a preview). If the newsletter is not satisfying you can adjust the newsletter till you are 100% satisfied. When it is, press the send the mail now button followed by the invoke button. The newsletter will now be send to your subscribers.

Newsletter statistics

The statistics menu
The statistics overview
The statistics overview by date
Newsletter statistic maintenance

Once the newsletter has been send to your subscribers, you will have the option to see the newsletter statistics. To see these statistics, click on the directmail option for the left side of the screen, following by clicking on the newsletter page.

In the top right of your screen you will see a dropdown menu that has been selected by default on status. From this dropdown menu select the statistics option. Once the statistics option has been selected, you will see the following information:

Date: this column shows the date that the newsletter was send;
From: this column shows the time the mail sending started;
To: this column shows the time the mail sending ended;
Total recievers: this column shows the total newsletter recievers.

To view extended statistics you can click on a specific date. Once a date has been selected you will see the following information:

Opened mails: this field shows the percentage of the opened mails from the selected newsletter;
Bounced mails: this fields shows the percentage of bounced mails from the selected newsletter;
Link: this column shows the link numbers;
Used: this column shows (in percentage and amount) how many times the specific link is clicked;
URL: this column shows the specific URL (link).

Tip! you can easily search for statistics using the search feature above the link information.

Besides the statistics option from the dropdown menu you can also select the maintenance option. When you select this option you will have the possibility to delete certain statistics by clicking on the delete option before the date.

Next to this you can also select the option mail vaidity from the dropdown to check if your newsletter contains any errors and/or warnings. As final option you can also select the preview option from the dropdown menu to see the e-mailaddresses from all the subscribers.