Manage your web shop
Below we will explain to you how to manage your TYPO3 Multishop. By using the index on the left of this web site, you can directly navigate to the desired chapter.
Explanation of the top menu
When you are logged in into your web shop, you see in top of your screen the top menu. This menu has been devided in several submenu's and functions:
Catalog: with this menu option you can manage your categories and products;
CMS: with this menu option you can manage your informative pages;
Customers: with this menu option you can manange your customers;
Orders: with this menu option you can manange your orders;
Search function: with this menu option you can search for products, customers, orders, settings etc.
Catalog menu
The catalog menu is basicaly the heart of your web shop. This menu contains the following submenu's:
Categories: with this submenu option you can manage your categories;
Products: with this submenu option you can manage your products;
Manufacturers: with this submenu option you can manage your manufacturers;
Coupon module: with this submenu option you can manage your coupon codes.
Creating categories
Before you can create products, you first need to create categories in your web shop. Once you created categories, you can create subcategories within them or create products. For example you can create the following sctructure:
- Main category: Electronics
- Sub category: LCD TV
- Sub category: Sony
- Products of Sony LCD TV's
To create a new category mouse over the catalog menu, followed by the categories menu. When you mouse over this submenu, click on the create category option.
When you clicked on the category menu, you are able to give in the category information. This information is devided into several tabs:
Details: in this tab you can manage the name, category and the image of the category;
Content: in this tab you can manage the top and bottom content for the category;
Meta: in this tab you can manage the meta titles and keywords for the category;
Advanced: in this tab you can manage the advanced settings for the category.
By default the details tab is selected. Below this tab you can manage the following options:
Name: in this field you can manage the category name;
Parent: when more categories are created, you can select a category from this dropdown menu. Once a category is selected, the category you are creating will become a sub category of the selected main category;
Visible: with this option you can manage the visibility for the category;
Image: with this option you can manage the category image;
External URL: with this option you can set a external URL. When a visitor selects the category, they will be directed to the external URL.
In the second tab, content, you can set the top and bottom content for the concerning category. The information you give in there, will be displayed at the top and/or bottom of the categorie. This space can be useful if you want to explain something about the categories or the products in it to your visitors.
In the third tab, meta, you can set the following options:
Meta title: in this field you can manage the meta title for the category;
Meta keywords: in this field you can manage the meta keyworsd for the category. If you use several keywords, you need to seperate them with a (,);
Meta description: in this field you can manage the meta description for the category.
* filling in the above fields for a category will increase the findings in the search engines.
In the fourth tab, advanced, specific configurations can be given in. Please note that this option is for your web shop creator only. Changing given in settings may cause your web shop to fail.
When all values are given in, press the save button to apply your changes.
Manage categories
At any time it can happen that you want (or need) to change for example a category name or image. You can easily manage a (sub) category by clicking on the pencil icon that stands on top right in the category box.
When you have selected the pencil icon the tabs and values appear that you have earlier given in. See Creating categories.
When you are done changing the values, you can click on the save button to save your changed values.
Create products
When you have created a category, you can start creating products. To create a products, mouse over the option products from the catalog menu. Then select the option new product.
When you have selected the new product option, a new screen will popup that contains several tabs. From these tab the details tab is selected. Below this tab you can set the following options:
Name: in this field you can manage the product name;
Short description: in this field you can manage the short description of the product;
Full description: in this field you can manage the full description of the product;
External URL: with this option you can set a external URL. When a visitor selects the product, they will be directed to the external URL;
Virtual product: this option can be used to upload a virtual product. For example, when you are selling e-books, you can upload the e-book with this option. The visitor can order the product like any other product but will recieve a link in the e-mail with the download link to download the product;
Delivery time: in this field you can manage the delivery time for the product (for example 2 days).
In the second tab, options, you have several fields/option that you can manage for the specific product:
Visible: with this option you can manage the visibility for the product;
Stock: with this option you can manage the stock for the product;
Date available: with this option you can manage the date when the product comes available;
Model: with this option you can manage the model for the product;
Manufacturer: with this option you can manage the manufacturer for the product or create a new manufacturer when it's not existing;
Price: with this option you can manage the price for the product;
Specials price: with this option you can manage the special price for the product;
Substract VAT:
Capital price: with this option you can manage the capital price for the product;
Staffel price: with this option you can manage the staffel price for the product;
Vat rate: with this option you can manage the VAT rate for the product;
Weight: with this option you can manage the weight for the product. This option becomes handy when your shippingcosts are based on weight;
Condition: with this option you can manage the condition for the product. This option is specific for the Google Shopping feed.
EAN code: with this option you can manage the EAN code for the product;
SKU code: with this option you can manage the SKU code for the product;
Ext. product ID:
Minimum quantity: with this option you can manage the minumum quantity for the product. When you set this option for example to two, visitors must order a minimum of two;
Maximum quantity: with this option you can manage the maximum quantity for the product. When you set this option for example to five , visitors can't order mroe then a quantity of five;
Category: with this option you can manage the category for the product;
Custom configuration: with this option specific configurations can be given in. Please note that this option is for your web shop creator only. Changing given in settings may cause your web shop to fail.
In the third tab, images, you have the possibility to upload five product images. The first image will be set as the main product image. The other four images will become extra product images when they are uploaded.
In the fourth tab, meta, you can set the following options:
Meta title: in this field you can manage the meta title for the product;
Meta keywords: in this field you can manage the meta keyworsd for the product. If you use several keywords, you need to seperate them with a (,);
Meta description: in this field you can manage the meta description for the product.
* filling in the above fields for a category will increase the findings in the search engines.
In the fifth tab, attributes, you can manage the attributes for the product. In the first field (option) you give in the name of the attribute, for example color. In the second field, value, you give in the value of the attribute, for example black. When both values have been given in, you click the add new value button.
Once this button has been selected, you have the possibility to give in extra prices by using the prefix. In the prefix field you can give in a "-" for a minus price and a "+" for a extra price. For example, when you give in the prefix + and the price 5, the extra costs for this attribute will becoem € 5,00.
When all attributes have been set, press the save button.
Tip!: to make it more easier for your visitors we advice to create a "Please choose your..." as first attribute value (for example "Please choose your color". By using this, visitors will know that they can make a selection and extra prices won't be calculated right away when the product is being ordered.
Once the product has been saved, you can edit it again by clicking on the pencil icon. Now two extra tabs have been created:
Related products: with this option you can link related products;
Copy/duplicate product: with this option you can copy or duplicate the product to the same or another category.
When you select the tab related products, you can easily give in a product name to which you want to link, followed by clicking on the search button. If you don't know the product name, you can click on the search button right away. Click the checkbox before the product name that you would like to link and press the save button. Now the selected product(s) will be related to eachother.
When you selecte the copy/duplicate product tab, you can easily copy or duplicate the product to the same or other category. This feature will become handy when for example alot of the products are the same but the price or description is different. To copy or duplicate the product simply select the category from the dropdown menu and click on the copy or duplicate product button, followed by the save button.
Note: if you copy a product and you delete the original, the copied products will be deleted as well. If you want to avoid this, use the duplicate button.
Manage products
At any time it can happen that you want (or need) to change for example a product name or image. You can easily manage a product by clicking on the pencil icon that stands on top right in the product box.
When you have selected the pencil icon the tabs and values appear that you have earlier given in. See Creating products.
When you are done changing the values, you can click on the save button to save your changed values.
Search and edit products
When you mouse over the products option from the catalog menu, you will see the option search and edit products. When you click this option, you will see a complete overview from all existing products in your web shop. In this overview the following information/options are available:
Search for: in this textfield you can give in a word to search on, for example sony;
By: from this dropdown you can select in by which field the system must search, for example product name;
In: from this dropdown you can select in which category the system must search, for example the root;
Product: this field shows the name of an product;
Model: this field shows the model of an product;
Visible: this field shows the visibility of an product;
Category: this field shows in which category an product stands;
Price: this field shows the price of an product;
Specials price: this field shows the special price of an product;
Stock: this field shows the stock of an product;
Weight: this field shows the weight of an product;
Action: in this column you can click on the pencil icon to edit an product, or the red cross to delete it;
Download as Excel file: with this option you can download the search results into an Excel file;
Update modified products: when you click on this option, the changed values will be saved;
Choose action: when multiple products are selected (by using the checkboxes), you can do a massive action. For example move product to another category or delete them;
Upload Excel file: with this option you can upload a earlier downloaded Excel file;
Close and go back to catalog: when you press this button the current window will be closed.
Manage product attributes
When you mouse over the products option from the catalog menu, you will see the option product attributes.
When you click this option, you will see a complete overview from all existing product attributes in your web shop.
When you hold you left mouse button on a value label (default) you can move positions by using drag & drop.
By using this feature you can decide for attributes which value must show frist, then second, third etc.
You can rename the attributes by just selecting the text and use the backspace button on your keyboard to delete the existing value and change it to another.
When all changes have been made, click the save button to save your changes.
Update prices
When you mouse over the products option from the catalog menu, you will see the option update prices.
This feature can be handful if you want to update the prices of each product and/or to change the VAT id for each product.
To increase or decrease all product prices, give in a percentage. For example, when you give in -10 and press update all products, all product prices will decrease with 10%. If you use for example +10, all product prices will increase with 10%.
You can also use the VAT rate option to select if the prices with or without VAT must be changed.
Manage product feeds
With the TYPO3 Multishop you can easily create or manage your own product feeds. To create of manage a product feed, mouse over the catalog menu followed by the products menu. From this menu select the product feeds option. Now click the add button.
Once the add button has been selected a popup will show with the following fields:
Name: in this field you can give in the name of the feed;
Google utm_source: in this field you can give in the Google UTM source. This becomes handy when you use Google Analytics;
Google utm_medium: in this field you can give in the Google UTM medium code. This becomes handy when you use Google Analytics;
Google utm_term: in this field you can give in the Google UTM term. This becomes handy when you use Google Analytics;
Google utm_content: in this field you can give in the Google UTM content. This becomes handy when you use Google Analytics;
Google utm_campaign: in this field you can give in the Google UTM campaign. This becomes handy when you use Google Analytics;
Delimiter: in this field you can select the delimiter to seperate the fields within the field;
Include headers: with this option you can select if the column headers must be shown in the feed;
Status: with this option you can turn the feed on or off.
When you click on the button add fields you can add extra fields to the field like product name, EAN code, product image etc. Those fields will be linked to the fields from the products. When you have added all values, press the save button. When the save button is pressed you go back to the previous screen. In here click on the product name to get the product feed URL which you can use in Google, Beslist etc.
Import products
With the TYPO3 Multishop it is very easy to import product feeds from your manufacturers and/or affiliate partners.
To import a product feed mouse over the catalog menu, followed by products. Then from the product menu, select the import products option.
Once you have selected this option, you will see an overview of the categories. Click on the orange arrow behind the catagory name to unfold the category importer.
Once the category importer has been unfold, select a file from your computer or give in a feed URL.
After given in the file or URL set a Datafeed parser template and select the file format, followed by the upload button.
When the file or URL has been uploaded, you need to map the columns from the file or URL to the target columns for your web shop. For example product name to product name, description to full description etc. Columns you don't need can be skipped by setting the value to ignore/skip.
When the mapping is done you can save the import job. For saving the job the following fields are required:
Task name: in this field you can set the name of the task, for example Camera;
Schedule: by using the dropdown you can select how the task must run.
When all values are set, click on the import button. The feed will now be imported into your web shop. When you want to run this import again later, select the scheduled tasks tab and click on the run now option behind the task name.
Manage manufacturers
In the manufacturers menu you can easily add or manage existing manufacturers. To add a manufacturer, click on the button add manufacturer. Once the button is clicked, give in a name and press the save button.
To edit a manufacturer click in the name of the manufacturer, make the change(s) and press the save button.
Coupon module
With the coupon code module you can create and manage coupon codes that give a certain amount of discount to the customers when they order. To create or manage a coupon code, click on the coupon module option under the catalog menu. Once selected, a popup will come up with the following fields:
Coupon code: in this field you can give in the coupon code that visitors must give in when they order to recieve the discount;
Discount: in this field you can set the discount for the code, for example 20. When you select the percentage option from the dropdown, visitors will recieve 20% discount over the total order amount. When you select price, they will recieve € 20,00 over the total order amount;
Start time: in this field you can give in the start date for the code;
End time: in this field you can give in the end date for the code;
Max usage: in this field you can give in how many times the code can be used (leave blank for infinite).
When you have given in all values, press the save button.
to manage a existing coupon code, click on the name of the coupon code. When all adjustments have been made, press the save button to save your changes.
Informative pages (CMS)
From the CMS menu you can create and manage several CMS (informative) pages. When you select the CMS menu from the top of the screen, a popup will appear. In this popup, click on the button add new page. In the popup that appears you can create several types of CMS content. This can be chosen from the type dropdown. In the type dropdown you have the following options:
Checkout finished page: when you place content on this page, the content will show after the visitor placed an order;
Checkout finished page (Mollie/iDEAL): when you place content on this page, the content will show after the visitor placed an order and payed with Mollie/iDEAL;
Checkout finished page (PayPal): when you place content on this page, the content will show after the visitor placed an order and payed with PayPal;
Create account thank you page: when you place content on this page, the content will show after the visitor created an account;
E-mail create account confirmation: when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail that the visitor recieves after creating a account;
E-mail order confirmation letter: when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after an order is being placed;
E-mail order confirmation letter (Mollie/iDEAL): when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after an order is being placed and was payed with Mollie/iDEAL;
E-mail order confirmation letter (PayPal): when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after an order is being placed and was payed with PayPal;
E-mail order payed letter: when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after the order has been set on the status payed;
E-mail order payed letter (Mollie/iDEAL): when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after an order is being placed, payed with Mollie/iDEAL and the payment was recieved;
E-mail order payed letter (PayPal): when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after an order is being placed, payed with PayPal and the payment was recieved;
E-mail order status changed letter: when you place content on this page, the content will show in the e-mail the customer recieves after the status of the order has been changed;
General conditions: when you place content on this page, the content will show on the general conditions page;
Home top: when you place content on this page, the content will show in the top of the homepage;
Home bottom: when you place content on this page, the content will show in the bottom of the homepage;
PSP Payment Accepted Page: when you place content on this page, the content will show after the payment with a online payment provider has been succeeded;
PSP Payment Cancelled Page: when you place content on this page, the content will show after the payment with a online payment provider has been cancelled;
PSP Payment Declined Page: when you place content on this page, the content will show after the payment with a online payment provider has been declined;
PSP Payment Exeption Page: when you place content on this page, the content will show after the payment with a online payment provider recieved an exeption.
When the desired content has been given in on the selected page, click the save button to save your changes.
From the top menu you also have the option to view your webshop customers and look in to the customer details. To do so, click on the customer menu from the top menu.
Once selected, a popup will show that contains your web shop customers. In this overview you can easily search for customers by using the searchbox in top of the customer overview. By using the searchbox you can search (by using the keyword field) in the following fields:
All: search through all customer fields;
Company: search through the company fields;
Customer ID: search trough the customer ID fields;
Customer email: search through the email fields;
Customer name: search through the customer name fields;
Username: search through the username fields.
When for example a result is found, you can click on the company name or customer name to view the customer details. Also you have the option to login as the customer. This can be useful when the customer has a specific problem were you need to look into.
If needed, you can also disable a customer (by using the status fields). With this, the user won't be able to login anymore. To disable the login for a user, simply change the green dot to red.
Customer groups
With the customer group feature, you can easily create customer groups and give those groups a specific discount. To do so, mouse over the customer menu and click on the customer groups option.
When the customer groups has been selected, a new popup appears with the following fields:
Name: in this field you can give in the name of the group you want to create;
Discount: in this field you can give in the discount that you want to link/add to this group;
Search by: by using the dropdown menu you can select in which field(s) you want to seach;
Keyword: by using this field you can give in a keyword on which you want to search.
Below these functions you see the customer group overview that contains all the created groups. By clicking on a group name you can always edit the selected group. By changing the status (behind a groupname) you can easily turn the group off or on.
To add customers to the created group, please read the chapter manage customers in the manage the backoffice (TYPO3) section.
Import customers
With the import customers feature, you can easily import customers from other/previous web shops. To do so, mouse over the customer menu and click on the import customers option.
When the import customers has been selected, a new popup appears with the following fields:
File: by using the browse button, you can locate a customer file on your computer;
Format: in this field you can define the layout of the selected file.
Once the file and format have been selected, press the upload button to import the customer file.
Manage orders
From the top menu you also have the option to manage your orders. To do so, click on the orders option from the top menu.
Tip! By using the search option on top left of the order page, you can easily search for an order.
When you mouse over on a customer name, you can directly see the the items that the person ordered.
In the order list you can also change the order status to payed and open/print the invoice and/or pickbon. Also you can select multiple orders and choose one of the following actions: delete, change order status or change the selected orders to (not) payed.
By clicking on the customer name, the order detail page will open. On the product detail page the following information is available:
Billing details: this information shows the billing address;
Delivery details: this information shows the delivery address;
Order number: this information shows the order number;
Order date: this information shows the order date;
Shipping method: this information shows the shipping method;
Payment method: this information shows the payment method;
Product details: this information shows the products that have been ordered, prices etc.
By using the order status tab you can change the status of the order and decide if the customer will recieve a notification. If so, the system will sent an e-mail with the content from the CMS page E-mail order status changed letter. In here you can also add a note for yourself or give in a text for the orderstatus. When this is filled in and the page is saved, it will sent that content instead of the E-mail order status changed letter.
Manage invoices
When you pressed a invoice button in the order list, the invoice also becomes available in the invoice list. The invoice list can be found under the orders menu.
When the invoice list opens you can change the payment status of an invoice or select one or multiple invoices and use one of the following options from the dropdown (choose action):
Create reversal invoice for selected invoices: when you select this option, you can create reversal invoices for the selected invoices;
Mail selected invoices: when you select this option, the invoice can be e-mail to the customers that are linked to the selected invoices;
Update selected invoices to paid: when you select this option you update all selected orders to the status payed (green);
Update selected invoices to not paid: when you select this option you update all selected orders to the status not payed (red).
Tip! By using the search option on top left of the invoice list, you can easily search for an invoice.
Download orders
Sales volume statistics
With the sales volume statistics (which you can find when you mouse over the orders menu) you can easily see the sales/turnover by day and month.
When the sales volume statistics opens, you see the monthly turnover in the top of the screen, with all the way to the right, the cumulative. This is the prognose for the current year.
Below the monthly statistics you will find the daily statistics which shows the date, the total amount and the customers that placed an order.
VAT statistics
With the VAT statistics (which you can find when you mouse over the orders menu) you can easily download the VAT statistics for each month of the year. This function can be very usefull for your bookkeeping/bookkeeper.
When you download VAT statistics (the file is for Microsoft Excel), it will display the following information (based on the current VAT settings for your web shop):
Orders ID: this column shows the product ID's that have been ordered,
Quantity: this column shows the quantity of the ordered products;
Product name: this column shows the ordered product (names);
Vat rate: this column shows the VAT rate that has been linked to the product(s);
Price excl. VAT: this column shows the price excluding VAT of a product;
VAT: this column shows the VAT of the product(s);
Price incl. VAT: this column shows the price including VAT of a product;
Total VAT 6%: shows the total amount (VAT) of 6%;
Total VAT 19%: shows the total amount (VAT) of 19%.